1300 Health


Corporate accounts

Get in contact to organise support for your staff and give them a corporate accounts everyone can benefit from.

Corporations and businesses can also increase productivity by making it convenient for their staff to receive medical advice without taking a day off work. Presenteeism has been shown to cost employers more than absenteeism. A prepaid company account will facilitate this service to your employees

What is Presenteeism ?

Presenteeism is the loss of productivity that occurs when an employee presents to work, but is not fully functioning because of illness or injury. it refers to the so called soldier on mentality. 

Presenteeism significantly impacts workplace productivity, which in turn effects the economic viability of individual business and the economy as a whole.

It’s clear that the health related issues of presenteeism and absenteeism cause major problems for both the business and the economy. 

1300 health can be the vehicle by which business invests in the health of staff, through  offering your employees immediate medical guidance as and when it is required.

A corporate account can be established and accessed by your employees at the discretion of your guidelines for the utilisation of this service.

A study commissioned by Medibank Private in May 2007 found that presenteeism cost Australian businesses and the economy over $25 Billion in 2005-2006. The economic strain associated with presenteeism is almost four times that of absenteeism.

An average of six working days of productivity each year is lost for each employee, as a result of presenteeism.